Thursday, March 29, 2007

Code Geass 22 subtitle

Code Geass episode 22 english subtitle

aku hanya menambahkan terjemahan di sebaian intro dan di preview :D

Sunday, March 25, 2007

PS3 True power terlihat di Folding@Home

Pada Firmware 1.6 update, PS3 dilengkapi feaure Folding@Home. dan berdasarkan statistik dari Stanford project, PS3 jauh didepan platform lain.

ini statistiknya

[source : afterdawn,]

Thursday, March 22, 2007

PS3 tahan diserang hacker

Ingat dulu pernah ada event : siapa yang bisa nge-hack PS3 aakan dapat PS3 free!

Akhirnya, ngga ada yang berhasih nge-hack PS3!
dan, PLAYSTATION 3 nya menyala terus dengan serangan Hacker dari seluruh dunia selama 2 bulan.

PS3 idup online non-stop selama 1440 Jam tanpa crash, tanpa hang, tanpa overheat!

GUIDE: Rip PS2 Games Audio

Aku pakai Ar Tonelico sebagai case-study
oh yah, bagi yang punya rasa takut dengan angka "666", sebaiknya jangan menggunakan Ar Tonelico XD

download Cube Media Player 2 di sini
extract, dan jalankan cubemediaplayer2

Cube Media Player 2
1. klik file -> scan file
2. masuk ke DVD-ROM lalu ke folder VPACKJ
3. pilih salahsatu file.
4. keluar loading, tunggu hingga selesai
5. CTRL+A (select all)
6. ALC+C (conversion)
7. masuk ke "convert settings"
8. tentukan lokasi extract
9. lakukan hal sesuai di gambar berikut :

(jangan langsung di convert jadi MP3 atau apalah dengan app ini, pernah terjadi saat extract, malah crash)

10. klik OK
11. klik Convert

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

XBOX 360 BLACK Edition

Earlier this year, a picture of a prototype Xbox 360 console leaked on the internet and with it began rumors of a revamped 360 that would include an HDMI output and an upgraded scaling chip.

The newest issue of Game Informer adds fuel to the fire by showing an image of a black Xbox 360 and along side it, specifications that include a 120GB HDD, matching black accessories, HDMI output and an HDMI cable all for the reasonable price of $479 USD.

[sumber : afterdawn]
maf cuma copy-paste, ngantuk :D

Thursday, March 15, 2007

How to use PCSX2

PCSX2, satu satunya emulator PS2 yang bener bener jalan.
sebenernya mudah dipakai, tapi karena banyak yang bingung, ini guide nya :D

Bahasa Indonesia dapat di download di

Masuk ke
ke halaman download, dan download PCSX2 terbaru
atau click di sini

1. copy file BIOS PS2 ke folder bios. (cara dump bios di sini)
2. jalankan PCSX2.exe atau pcsx2t.exe (terserah)

1. klik Config -> configure
2. set seperti gambar dibawah ini

`Graphics/grafis bisa pakai ZeroGS atau GSdx9.

to play
`klik File -> Run CD/DVD

How to dump PS2 BIOS

for the english version go here

disini akan kujelaskan cara dump BIOS ps2 ke USB Mass Storage device (flash

disk, harddisk)

download []dumpbios-mass.iso.rar

1. extract []dumpbios-mass.iso.rar
2. burn file iso nya ke CD

1. masukan CD tadi ke PS2
2. Tancep flashdisk ke USB
3. idupin PS2.... :D

akan muncul tulisan banyak

ntar ada tulisan DUMPING BIOS dan seterusnya

proses akan selesai setelah muncul:
DUMPING NVM completed

atau ketika lampu di flashdisk uda ngga kelap kelip lagi :D

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

GUIDE: extract VisualNovel CGs and Videos

download SUSIE+plugins HERE


1. run []susie+plugin_pack.exe
2. install/extract it (Default is C:\helixsystem\SUSIE)
3. go to C:\helixsystem\SUSIE
4. run []susie_plugin_pack.exe
5. install/extract it (Default is C:\helixsystem\SUSIE)


1. run Susie.exe
2. now there should be SUSIE icon on system tray
3. click it, file -> open
4. browse the file you want to extract

[Fate/StayNight | Fate/Hollw Ataraxia]
cari file ber-extensi xp3

[game dari C.I.R.C.U.S]
misal DCPC, DC II
cari file crx

cari file... lupa

`game lain pada prinsipnya sama aja, cari file berdasar feeling, atau liat struktur foldernya :D.


dengan guide diatas, kalian sudah bisa membuka berbagai CG atau Video,

how to save the file in NORMAL format
1. open the file you want to convert to normal PC file format
2. right click on the picture
3. file -> save as

How to extract packed file
in packed file (one big file with many files in it), after you open the file, you should see many files inside it.
just right click it, and selanjutnya sama dengan cara extract biasa :D

Note :
`susie plugin juga bisa dipasang di ACDSee.
`ada game yang menggunakan satu file besar berisi banyak file.
`beberapa game (FateHA) memiliki opsi untuk resolusi output file, jadi pastikan untuk men-cek "save-as type", pilih resolusi paling besar.

Monday, March 12, 2007

TIFF exploit sampai PS3 ver 1.51 masih jalan!

Dalam NFO MotorStorm_USA_PS3-PARADOX, Paradox menyatakan TIFF exploit masih bisa diterapkan di PS2 FW 1.51.

ini isi NFO-nya:

Hmzzz i think we have news to give do we? Ever wondered why the PS3 is such a better machine than a xbox360? simply because they implement too much stuff in one time! "SCEI" dont do that, you need to learn a bit more from Microsoft on this part even when they have forgotten a hypervision hack on kernel 4532 and 4548 they fixed it very fast! And what do we see on the PS3? Up until firmware 1.51 we still see holes! Why? You guys dont have the right persons to work with or is it just the pressure from the big boss? So for now dont update higher than 1.51 since 1.54 hasnt yet been tested, and 1.51 had a few tiny things fixed, but it didnt stop us much :-D Ohhh btw ever wondered if those updates are required on a disc? Actually all games up to now work without any update At least work fine on 1.32 :-) Thats all for now! So seeya tiff tiff and bye bye

[sumber: eurasia, ps3scene]

Sunday, March 11, 2007

.hack//G.U. Vol. 2 //Reminisce Videos uploaded .hack//G.U. Vol. 2 //Reminisce Videos.

Saturday, March 10, 2007

GUIDE: Convert PSS to AVI / MPEG

This guide will tell you "how to convert PSS" to normal video format

PSS (PlayStation Stream) is a standard PlayStation2 video file. Many PS2 games ( FMV ) use this format.
PSS can contain MPEG2 or MPEG1 video and aiff, PCM, ADPCM, ATRAC3, AC3 or ADX audio.

The Guide.

Download PSS Demux 1.05

extract and run it

browse the PS2 game DVD, and look for PSS/MOVIE/STREAM folder
drag-and-drop the PSS.
PSS demux will create 2 files, M2V and WAV

convert to AVI [using VdubMod]
`run virtualdubmod, open the M2V file, go to stream then add the WAV file.
`right click the wav, click full processing, click "compression", now choose MP3 48KHz, 192kbps, stereo
`click OK
`click video then clik compression, select DivX or XviD.
`click file, save as.

now, the file will be in avi, to convert to MPEG, you can use any video conveter (Nero Vision, TMPEGEnc, etc)

some PS2 games use MPEG1, or MPEG2 video codec.
some PS2 games use PCM, ADPCM, ATRAC3, AC3 audio codec.

GUIDE: PS2 as Media Player [UPDATED]

[UPDATED]Turn PlayStation 2 to full-fledge media player with SMS 2.3 and uLE

this will not just make PS2 DivX player but transform it into PS2 multimedia player

VIDEO : SMS 2.0 and uLE in Action

PS2 with SMS 2.3 can play:
AVI (DivX/Xvid), AC3(on AVI),MP3,OGG,MPEG1,MPEG2,srt,sub

uLE can open:
JPEG, text.

supported media:
USB mass storage (USB-HDD, FlashDisk, etc), network streaming (LAN),CD,DVD, NAS-HDD.

the apps:
uLaunchELF (multifunction file manager)
Official SMS Website

if you dont have ModChip, download the SMS cd image here (the web currently offline)

there are 2 ways to use SMS
- The easy way (using premade cd/dvd image)
- the Hard way (creating your own boot disk)

The EASY way
1. download smscd.rar (sample audio included)
2. extract it somewhere
3. burn the smscd.nrg to cd
4. put the cd on your PS2 and turn it on :D

Alternaytively you can use this cd image
SMS 2.3 Rev 1 + uLE 4.11 + SMS 2.3 Rev 2 beta

The HARD way
1. Download SYSTEM.CNF (right click, save as)
2. Download SMS from the official website
3. Rename sms version 2.3.elf to BOOT.ELF
3. Create a new CD/DVD project (im using Nero 7)
if you make CD use ISO,
if you make DVD use UDF/ISO
4. put SYSTEM.CNF and BOOT.ELF on the CD/DVD project
5. put any media files, avi, mp3, ogg you want to play.
6. Burn.

After having the Boot disc and boot the PS2 with it, you can swap the disc with any dvd/cd and play the media :D

if you have question, just ask here by using the "comment" feature.