i just found a way to display xbox 360 / PS3 games without black borders and correct aspect ratio in 16:10 monitor.
this work on my BenQ G900WD 19" and my ViewSonic 17"
usefull for monitor without 1:1 pixel aspect ratio option.
- save THIS IMAGE (right click, save as) to USB FlashDisk
- turn on you xbox 360/ps3
- set x360/ps3 to 1920x1080 or 1280x720 or 1280x768 (x360)
- open that picture on xbox 360/PS3.
- press AUTO on your monitor
now wait and see. . . after It finish auto-adjusting, your monitor should display the image in correct aspect ratio and no black borders :)
the disadvantage is, the left and right is cropped a bit.
now you can play MGS4 without snake look skinny and stretched :D
maybe other monitor can use this trick too.